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NurseAid's help needed more than ever

NurseAid, the national charity for nurses, has revealed that requests for its financial assistance doubled in 2010.

The organisation, which supports UK registered nurses in financial need, saw applications soar from 699 in 2009 to 1,320 last year.

In January 2011 the numbers tripled compared to the same period last year, with a record 151 requests for help.

Peter Farrall, Chief Executive of NurseAid, said: "The record increase is due to the general economic climate, the rises in the cost of living and the uncertainty over future careers. At NurseAid, we have been working to raise awareness through our website, advertising and by visiting hospitals. All of which has helped us to help more nurses than ever before, but we know that there are many more nurses who could receive our help.

"Our online eligibility checker, on our website, makes it easier for people to see if it is worth applying.

"In 2010 we awarded £486,000 to help nurses in financial need. Around 58 per cent of our beneficiaries needed support because of ill-health or an accident which pushes them to their financial limits.

"Some Nurses need our help for just a short time to get them over a bad patch - others need our financial support for longer."


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Journalist's Guide to NurseAid

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Further information

For further information contact:
Peter Farrall Chief Executive Officer
Telephone: 01527 595999  or 07970 623943